The Need For Political Reformation

The time has come for political reformation in Barbados, and in this, I’m not referring to the current political leadership or opposition, but reformation in the minds and hearts of Barbadians.

Most Barbadians have their party affiliation, however these affiliation causes them to overlook  corruption of the leadership and membership of the party and the economic instability that’s being created by the same people they support.

If most Barbadians were asked the question …What is our current system of government? They may answer … Democratic or Democracy. However this is only half of the answer. The correct answer is … parliamentary Democracy within a Constitutional Monarchy. Hence the reason for all parliamentarians swearing in their oath of office to serve the Queen, her Heirs and her successors.

This oath of office provides no place of service for those who stand in lines across the island on election day to cast their vote. Yet most Barbadians continue to hold themselves in constant adhesive  allegiance to such political bewilderment.

It's almost as though Barbadians are now void of the power to say to our present government  enough is enough. We are tired of the constant lying and corruption, we are tired of our island failing, our people suffering , fruitless promises and unachievable manifestos.

What is needed is for the whole nation to speak to both parties, not the community counsels, not the party delegates, not the social partnership, not the white wealthy, but the whole nation. The time has come for there to be a national code of conduct designed and commission for ministers of government to adhere to, that is set by the people of Barbados.

We cannot as a nation vote for individual (s) who actively engage in known corruption. As a people, if we continue to do this, we demonstrate that we have no morals, no understanding, no principles or standards. Our voices and our stance must be loud and clear to all who will ascend to  the halls of parliament and assume the sacred responsibility of leading as a people.

We must not tolerate injustice, lawlessness and corruption, we must not tap those on the hand in our leadership who do such things, and say do better next time.

No Third Party Philosophy

Over the years, both the BLP & DLP have effectively created in the mentality of Barbadians that there is no need for a third political party. Hence the response of the public to the emergence of a third political party has been one of total ignorance.  This behavior shows clearly the deep seated political deformation of the minds of Barbadians, that causes them to forget the previous corruption of the opposition, and produce an overwhelming anger at the present government, which causes what is commonly called a “swing” in the election. The success rate of a third political party in an election in Barbados says that Barbadians will continue to support corruption because of party affiliation.